Wednesday 29 October 2014

My month in pictures + An autumn story + October

An autumn story

Well hello my little autumn lovelies. Today I'd like to introduce a new feature to the blog!  Life can get a bit overwhelming sometimes, and I have to remind myself to slow down and take stock. So I thought a nice way to do this is a look back over the month.  There may be some projects you missed, so I've included links should you want to make any of them.
Here is my October - an autumn story :-) 

decorating with Autumn

As soon as the leaves started to fall I made an Autumn leaves garland - it took all of 10 minutes and they look lovely hung along the fireplace ... simply click the link if you'd like to make one yourself.

Autumn leaf garland
I've been enjoying the autumn sun streaming through our lace table cloth curtain. It's very easy to hang one yourself, though I'll be adding a thick blanket behind it soon to keep the draft out. Here's a quick video of how to make a blanket and lace winter curtain - it's very easy, looks pretty and doesn't take long to make. 
Lace tablecloth curtain
I started to feel the cold a little in our cottage, so I lit the fire. I find using matchbox fiddly so I made a pretty vintage match box from an old tin! it's so easy and takes 5 minutes!
Vintage tin match box
Bringing the outside in, is a lovely way to celebrate the season. Last years feature Decorating with nature does just that, and is a lovely project to do with kiddies. 

Decorating with autumn

Being in the fresh air and connecting with mother nature is a great way of detaching ourselves from technology.  A tip? leave your phone at home ... if you can bear it! 

Kicking up autumn leaves
In last weeks favourite fings I spoke of my love for all things s'roomy. There's something magical about mushrooms I think ... and you never know, having them in the garden may just encourage faeriefolk!
Ceramic todastool
Next it was time to leave my fireside and head into the big smoke for a night out at the Laura Ashley Christmas fair for bloggers - I met some lovely bloggers and had a lot of crafty fun in the meantime.
Laura Ashley

Ralphy and I have been having a lovely time kicking up the leaves this month ... and it's time to pick the Sloes if you'd like to make sloe gin! 

A Handmade Cottage in the press

What fun was had at the Ally Pally Knitting and stitching show! I had a press pass this year, and was papping left, right and center. There's always so much to see - if you love craft, I'd highly recommend it.

Alexander palace knitting and stitching show

October also saw two of my articles hit the press - I made a trio of natural beauty products for Make your own gifts magazine and our wedding was featured in a 8-page spread in Wedding ideas magazine

So that was my October - I'd love to see any of your favourite autumn moments too. Come and say hello / post me some pictures on Facebook, twitter or instagram! I hope you're all keeping warm and healthy and are able to find a moment or two to kick up the leaves while you can.  

JM x

Decorating with pumkins

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  1. You've been a very busy, creative girl this October! Love everything! Can't wait to see what November brings! :)

  2. Ah that's nice to hear, thanks Karen. I imagine it's going to include a lot of knitwear whatever it brings :-)
