Friday 24 October 2014

The magic of mushrooms - real and otherwise

There is something so lovely about about wild mushrooms. Aside from the fact little fairy families live under them, they possess a magical aura I think. There are many things I love about Autumn - and spotting little mushrooms growing in the undergrowth is one of them.  

I've never been brave enough to pick them ... I did buy a book and was all set to go foraging ... but then (rather randomly) I met a mushroom specialist / expert who said "the more I learn about mushrooms the less inclined I am to risk picking them, because for every edible mushroom - there are always 5 identical-looking poisonous ones!" At which point I stowed my basket and vowed never to pick a wild mushroom - without the guidance of a foraging guru. So instead, I make do by foraging for other more 'ornamental' types - a lovely way to bring the autumn in I think. 

JM x

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1 comment:

  1. I had the SAME intention! Bought a book, thinking I would be oh-so-clever in identifying the edible types and it just confused me even more! What got me thnkng that we have edible mushrooms on our property was when I once had Chinese food delivered to our house for dinner. The delivery boy, on his way back to his car, bent down , picked a mushroom and popped it into his mouth! He could identify it right away. The red, polka dot toadstools are always fun to find. There must be fairies nearby , I think! :)
