Friday 22 November 2013

My favourite fings - Tea, pastry and a great big mess

Hello Friday lovelies!!!

Well for todays edition of FF Friday I was planning to share a beauty product. 

However, I then started to sort out my fabrics and have a tidy up of my sewing room ... then things escalated. With the edition of tea and pastries I made a big mess and rather than tidy I had a play on my sewing machines. 

Yes I am hugging the machine ... and I talk to her (Bertha).

So for today's My Favourite Fings, it's not so much a product I want to share, but rather a feeling

 ... of losing yourself in something you LOVE. 

Sometimes we find ourselves rushing through life, weeks turn to months and we find ourselves saying 'Oh I'd love to do that but I just can't find the time' or perhaps we feel guilty and opt to do something more productive instead, chores perhaps.

Happy in my hole ... better tidy up now.

I do this, then kick myself for wasting my valuable time on this earth.  
Someone I loved dearly gave me my sewing machine, and when I work on it, it brings me joy! 
What can be more valuable than that?!

So the next time you catch yourself saying 'Oh I'd love to do that ...' 
do yourself a favour and change the end of the sentence.

with love,

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1 comment:

  1. I love your room! It looks like the room giving the warmth to anyone inside the room.. and i saw ralphy in the corner! :D
