Thursday 30 August 2018

DIY Woodland nature-inspired baby mobile

Hey all, well it's been actual months since my last blog post. I've had so many projects lined up that I've wanted to share with you but my hands have been so full, literally, all day every day. I'm absolutely loving motherhood though I must say ... Frankie is such a joyful little soul. My days are all about soaking up as much of her as I possibly can. She's rolling over now and is full of smiles and chuckles. I'm now also incredibly good at doing things with one hand, and I can eat / drink at incredible speed if need be :-) but unfortunately blogging takes two hands hence the very long gap. So here is one of the things I made for Frankie. It's a baby mobile but it if you dropped the little creatures it could also be a lovely autumnal nature decoration! 

So before Frankie was born I decided on a woodland-themed nursery. I was looking to buy a mobile for above her moses basket, and when I searched for woodland inspired mobiles they were all either very expensive or just not what I had in mind. So in true AHC throw-it-together-fashion I thought I'd make my own, and what a success it turned out to be! Simply because ...

... this little mobile turned out to be Frankie's 'most favourite fing' EVER. It has stopped tears in their tracks and even now, 5 months later she still sits and stares at it for long periods. I don't know what it is that has her so transfixed but she loves it, in fact I think she loves watching the shadows it casts more than anything. 

I made this by forming a hoop out of some faux twig twine with fake moss. You could easily use an embroidery hoop for this too. I then hung various things at regular intervals using clear invisible thread - an oak leaf, pine cones, a feather and two little felted wool creatures I bought from Spittalfields Market in London (actually they were brooches, I just removed the pin.) When we hung it initially it looked like the picture above. However, it didn't spin for long ... and it turned out that Frankie liked it to spin, and when it stopped spinning, she wasn't too happy - cue taking it it turns to peg it over to the other side of the room to make it spin again.

 So hubby had the bright idea of buying a wind chime motor from eBay. It was a great idea and while it doesn't look as pretty it serves a darn good purpose! So now it turns gently ... it does make a slight humming noise but it just acts as a 'white noise' machine so it's a win win as far as we're concerned. If you fancy making one of these for your little one do make sure all the components are fasted securely and well out of reach of baby.

If it works as well for you as it does for me you're more than welcome to send cake in the post ;-)

JM x

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