Thursday 27 October 2016

The Bishops Stortford Ghost Walk

Ever since I was a little girl I've been intrigued by the supernatural. Whether or not you believe in such things, there is no denying the mystery that surrounds local legends - and the spooky tales that are handed down through the ages can send a shiver of excitement down even the most sceptical of spines. So with Halloween on the horizon I decided to do a little research into the history of my town - Bishops Stortford. In all honesty I was blown away by the sheer scale of ghostly happenings that have occurred in this little town of mine, and with the help of my fearless young niece Georgia, and using author Jenni Kemp's book Haunted Stortford as our guide, we set off on an adventure of our own. We spoke to locals, investigated haunted locations and yes I admit, we also sang the theme tune from Ghostbusters on more than once occasion. So please join us on a virtual tour of our haunted town, and if you live locally and you'd like to take part in person simply grab your torch, print out  the PDF of map and instructions by clinking the links at the bottom of this post and venture out into the streets of Bishops Stortford on Halloween night! Tweet to let me know how you get on with the hashtag #bishopsstortfordghostwalk.

For those taking part in person on Halloween: This is not a guided tour, simply take your cut-out map, ghostly info, instructions and go at your own pace. This walk does not include any actors or ‘frights' - other than those you create yourself! But do note it may not be suitable for young children, as some of the stories contain adult content.

You will need:

A torch
Some courage
Flask of hot toddy (optional)
Waterproofs in case of rain!

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Thursday 21 April 2016

Bishops Stortford Craft & Farmers Market

I love farmers markets, so I was pleased as punch when a monthly craft & farmers market popped up in my hometown. Wandering around the market with my little basket, I tasted cheese, chatted to the local sellers and was reminded of bygone days - when food was grown, sourced and reared locally, by local people. This is how our grandparents brought groceries on a daily basis. But such produce seems to be a luxury to us nowadays. I know many would argue the produce at such markets can be overpriced compared to your local supermarket, but it's vitally important to recognise the difference between the two. Much of our supermarket food is mass produced in factories, and crammed full with preservatives and (cheap) artificial ingredients to ensure a good profit. So while it may not be practical to buy from a farmers market on a daily basis, treating ourselves and our bodies to fresh, quality produce when we can, whilst also supporting the lifeblood of local family businesses, really is worth every penny, and it makes for a such lovely afternoon out! Here are some of my highlights ...
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