Tuesday 4 August 2015

A month in pictures - July - Summer Madness

Well what a glorious month July has been. OK, so it's not so great now - the rain has been torrential this past week and "Oh I hope this isn't the end of summer" has been muttered at least once in every casual  conversations. But I have every faith our great British summer will return! July has been quite busy for our little house - work hasn't stopped but we've managed to escape for occasional day of fun! Here's our month in pictures ....

Hubby, Ralphy and I spent a lovely day at the seaside with my Mummykins and Daddykins. We took a picnic, the dogs and we all had a lovely time. We paddled in the sea, Ralphy chased the waves, Buster's a little unsure of the waves but he put on a brave face for Ralphy. Then they played Cowboys and Indians with a passing staffie! I made Elderflower Champagne earlier this month - so we had a tipple of that on the beach - it was delicious, if not a little potent :-)

Earlier in the month I had a wonderful day out at Cammas Hall Fruit Farm - where I picked my own fruit! Having seen the vast amount of goodies on offer, not to mention the lovely cafe full of homegrown produce I ended up staying far longer than I anticipated ... it's an ideal place to to take the kids during the summer holidays if you're looking for fun days out.
 Picking your own at Cammas Hall Fruit Farm

We went to a lovely campsite called Fen End Farm in Cambridgeshire. We stayed in a yurt amongst an orchard with some friends. It was a lovely evening, we met a cute little doggie (Ralphy wasn't with us unfortunately so it was nice getting some doggie cuddles). We sat around the campfire with tea and blankets, but THEN the rain started, followed by one of the worse storms we've ever experienced! It started at 11.30pm and didn't cease until almost 2am. It was quite exciting, the flashes of lightening weren't just 'now and again' they were continuous - it was like being at a disco! We were warm, safe and cosy in our yurt of course, but it was a while before I could muster the courage to run out into the night for a widdle!

The garden is fast becoming a jungle - the Hydrangeas are blooming and the Courgettes are taking over the garden. I've started a patchwork project I have just finished reading three Thomas Hardy novels; Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Mayor of Casterbridge and The Woodlanders. All are so wonderfully written (though not an easy read by any means) and each heartbreakingly tragic. I needed some light relief so asked my lovely readers for some recommendations. A few of you recommended 'The Rosie Project' which I'm really enjoying!

My latest offering this month was a A Q&A SESSION WITH 
MAD MAN KNITTER GREGORY PATRICK - blogger, writer and knitter of adorable bears. You might remember my previous post on Gregory - A little brown bear saves a mad man knitterGregory has now published several books, and his little bears and knitting patters are well in demand. As a keen follower of his blog, I was interested to know more about Gregory, so I got in touch to see if he'd be interested in a little Q&A session with me. In this interview we discuss male knitters (or lack of them), life-saving bears, and the writing / self publishing of books!

I hope you've all had a lovely July, let's hope August brings some more fun in the sun!

JM x

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Jodie May! Loved your summer photos and love how you call your mom and dad "mommykins and daddykins"...that is just so sweet!!! We never grow too old to be "children" to our parents, right? :)
