Tuesday 15 July 2014

Laura Ashley's blogger of the month!

Well I am pleased as punch, because this month Laura Ashley are featuring me as their blogger crush - blogger of the month! Their feature includes piccies from my blog, plus a Q and A with yours truly, in which they asked questions like; how did it all come about? what inspires me? what do I love about blogging? and what blogs do I follow?  I've always had a soft spot for Laura Ashley; their floral dresses, their soft furnishings and not to mention their blankets (hubby knows he can't go wrong with one of Laura's blankets.) So for them to like my little blog enough to share it with their followers makes me feel very humbled indeed. Below is a glimpse of the feature but should you like to read it for yourself just click this link ... 

* Laura Ashley's blogger of the month - A Handmade Cottage *

JM x

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Thursday 13 March 2014

AHC craft column in the Herts and Essex Observer.

I've love writing a blog. It's nice to keep my crafty adventures in one place ... a scrapbook if you like? or scrapblog! I thought it was about time I added a few clippings from my offerings as craft columnist to the local Observer (Herts and Essex). It has been a pleasure writing for them, and I've really enjoyed connecting with my local community through it. I even get spotted in town now and again, which isn't ideal as I often leave the house looking an absolute state! Thankfully Hubby occasionally intervenes before I reach the street, pointing out the jogging bottom and posh top combo isn't really working. Perhaps I need a disguise? : )

JM x

To read article click here

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Thursday 14 November 2013

AHC is in the Press!!!

I was just sitting here feeling sorry for myself (I have man-flu) when 'Home Sewn Magazine' came through my letterbox. Well, I say 'came through the letterbox' but in reality it was yanked out of the postman's trembling hand by a flying Jack Russell. Once I'd wrestled it from Ralphy's vice-like grip I was jumping up and down ...
Why?? because I have a full 3 page spread in it!!! 
(If I could speak I'd be squealing with Joy right now ... ) 

I'm so chuffed I had to share it with you. I started A handmade cottage in July 2013 (only 5 months ago) and I'm just so pleased I did. I've had two articles published this month which I'm over the moon about (it's so much fun being all *Carrie Bradshaw* in Costa Coffee) but more importantly I'm meeting some really lovely people, readers and bloggers along the way.

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