Friday 25 April 2014

A picnic in the Bluebell Woods

Bluebell woodlands are by far, one of my favourite fings ... well places. There is something truly magical about Bluebells. This might be because they are, in fact, little faerie houses or maybe it's their heavenly scent. Whatever it is, spending time in a beautiful bluebell-covered woodland is by far, one of the best things you and your people can do this April.

Bluebell woodland - by A Handmade Cottage

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Friday 3 January 2014

Change and the adventure it brings.


Some people are afraid of change. As a people we seem to thrive on routine and often associate change with something bad.  I'm also a creature of habit, I like my little rituals but I like change too. I embrace it ... If I didn't I wouldn't be writing this blog. Now and again I feel there's something in the air ... like in Mary Poppins when Bert says in his extremely convincing cockney accent ...

' Winds in the east, there's a mist coming in ... like something is brewing,  about to begin '
Then Mary pops by and does fabulous magical things. I admit to a small crush on Bert (Hubby's disgusted at my taste in men ...?)

One man band Bert sensing Mary's arrival.
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Friday 20 December 2013

My favourite fings - Switching off

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Nowadays almost all of our daily activity involves technology of some sort. Now I don't want to sound like ole Miggins over the road, "we didn't have all these fancy moblies in my day",  but I have to admit that occasionally I find it HUGELY satisfying to switch it all off.
Some of you might love the thought of turning off all phones and putting laptops out of sight, whereas others will have started to sweat at the prospect of not having 24 access to facebook.

Switched off, on a cottage holiday.

Well yes at first it is quite strange. You'll keep going to check your phone or when faced with a question to which you don't know the answer you'll panic when you realise you can't ask google. But after a day or two it's just SO lovely. I feel refreshed, free, and more relaxed than I ever thought was possible. We are utterly consumed by technology. So I find from time to time that it's a good idea to give your brain a break and your loved ones 100% of your attention.

So even if it's just for a day, perhaps give it a try ...
you might love it so much you won't want to switch back on!


"I'm not answering that phone ... I'm on 'oliday!"

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