
Friday 29 August 2014

How to dry Hydrangea flowers

I love preserving flowers, as often they mark a special moment in time. I still have a pressed flower I picked in Paris, during our courting days many moons ago. I also dried my wedding bouquet - so when I'm a little old lady, I can put a tablecloth on my head and relive the moment all over again ... 'dum dum de dum ...'

How to dry Hydrangea flowers + Hydrangea wreath

Friday 22 August 2014

'Oak Leaf and Acorn' necklace by Glover and Smith

Well it's come to the end of another birfday week. 
I've had a delightful week with nearest and dearest - I spent time with family and picnicked with friends. How very civilised I hear you say? no not really, not when you throw a three-legged race into the equation ... I hope I'm never too old to laugh at such shinnanigans :-)  So today, for fave fings friday I wanted to show you a pressie I received this year. I first saw this necklace, and met it's maker at a Country Living craft fair, and it's been on my 'Podie's most wanted' list ever since.

'Oak Leaf and Acorn' necklace by Glover and Smith

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Wilderness Festival - Mother Nature's Disneyland

 photo ff.png

I have recently returned from Wilderness Festival in Oxfordshire. The word 'festival' seems to conjure mixed emotions for many people - there are those who absolutely love them, and those who think it's a young person's game, wouldn't set foot in such places for fear of being trampled on by beer-swilling lager louts drugged up to the eyeballs on 'disco-biscuits.' These kind of festivals do exist of course, but there are others - others which are an adventure for man, woman, and child, and these festivals can be far more magical than the likes of Disneyland ....

Monday 18 August 2014

Video tutorial - How to paint, distress and wallpaper furniture

Hi all,  Well I recently showed you my latest upcycle project - 'How to create a distressed wallpaper cabinet' and in this new video, Ralphy and I show you the entire process in just a minute! Should you want to try this yourself you can CLICK HERE for a full list of products and a detailed step-by-step tutorial with pictures.
Enjoy the film!

JM x­age

Friday 15 August 2014

Why I love my birfday & the invention of birfday-week!!

It's my birthday today. I have always loved birthdays for as long as I can remember. While I admire those people modest enough to brush their birthday under the carpet I can never be one of those people. In fact, in our house I have (rather cleverly) invented 'Birthday week' ... which basically means the week following your birthday is still really, your birthday. This comes in very handy when you want a cup of tea, a third slice of cake or a hug-on-demand. You are more than welcome to borrow 'Birthday week'  and if you find loved ones are reluctant, simply try suggesting it on their birthday first ;-)

This was the morning of my first birthday ... I still look like that on my birthday morning!

Friday 8 August 2014

The many names and faces of Ralphy Muss Muss

This is the first photo of Ralphy I ever took ...
I'd just found him and was taking him home for the
 first time. This is also the photo I texted hubby -
telling him he had a new dog : ) 

Today is Ralphy's 5th birthday. I don't need to tell you he is one of my favourite fings. If you follow my blog regularly you'll already know how much I adore this furry dog child of mine. I realise some of my readers may not be doggie people, so forgive my indulgence ... today I just wanted to celebrate his birthday by sharing just a few of my favourite photographs of him. Now don't ask me where these all came from, but here some of the many names Ralphy gets called in our household ...

Ralphy muss muss
The dog king
Dingle dangle dogmouse
International dog boy
Bobby dog friend
Dogson Phillips

Friday 1 August 2014

Fibre east craft festival

One of the reasons I love craft so much, is because I love pretty things. Knitting, sewing and making in general means I can make pretty things. The process is enjoyable, it's highly addictive and at the end ... you get a pretty thing! If you're looking to get into craft, craft fairs are a great place to start. Craft fairs are shopping heaven for crafty folk, and this weekend my crafty pals and I headed to Fibre East - a festival of British natural fibre and craft, in Ampthill, Bedfordshire.