Friday 31 October 2014

How to have a REAL Halloween + Ghost stories by candlelight

I love having a spooky night on Halloween. By that I don't mean dressing up,  or cosying up with a horror film. I mean a real old-fashioned spooky night; the way our ancestors did - with a candle and a ghost story. Sounds tame by today's standards right? yet this simple pastime can be far more terrifying than a mere film, because it involves the most terrifying tool of all ... our own imaginations. Back in the day families would gather around the fire to hear the same stories told and re-told year after year ... and it wasn't just because the story captured their imaginations, it was the crackle of a fire making them jump ..... the noises of the house ..... the shadows from the candlelight dancing on the wall catching their eye. So if you dare, read on for a few tips on setting the scene, as well as some skin-crawling ghost stories for you to print out and read ... scared yet??

The scariest, most terrifying thing that I fear? my imagination - Stephen King 

Ghost stories by candlelight

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Friday 15 August 2014

Why I love my birfday & the invention of birfday-week!!

It's my birthday today. I have always loved birthdays for as long as I can remember. While I admire those people modest enough to brush their birthday under the carpet I can never be one of those people. In fact, in our house I have (rather cleverly) invented 'Birthday week' ... which basically means the week following your birthday is still really, your birthday. This comes in very handy when you want a cup of tea, a third slice of cake or a hug-on-demand. You are more than welcome to borrow 'Birthday week'  and if you find loved ones are reluctant, simply try suggesting it on their birthday first ;-)

This was the morning of my first birthday ... I still look like that on my birthday morning!

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Friday 14 February 2014

The importance of romance

It's easy to pick a fight with Valentines day. I've heard the phrases "it's just an excuse to make money out of us" and "I don't need an excuse to tell me wife I luv 'er" more times than I've had hot dinners.
Valentines day is a day to celebrate the love we have in our life, and it's no time to be stingy.
We all need romance. It's not just reserved for young people, it's at the heart of every long-lasting happy relationship. Romance means different things to different people, but whether it's a trip to Paris or simply holding hands it generally stands for thoughtfulness, companionship and attention. If you think your relationship doesn't need romance then you are probably heading for the rocks my friend, and you need it now more than ever.

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