Friday 22 August 2014

'Oak Leaf and Acorn' necklace by Glover and Smith

Well it's come to the end of another birfday week. 
I've had a delightful week with nearest and dearest - I spent time with family and picnicked with friends. How very civilised I hear you say? no not really, not when you throw a three-legged race into the equation ... I hope I'm never too old to laugh at such shinnanigans :-)  So today, for fave fings friday I wanted to show you a pressie I received this year. I first saw this necklace, and met it's maker at a Country Living craft fair, and it's been on my 'Podie's most wanted' list ever since.

'Oak Leaf and Acorn' necklace by Glover and Smith

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Friday 11 April 2014

How to get birds into your garden

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I love the birdies ... as I put my washing out I daydream they come and sit on my shoulders like in Snow White (everyone does that right?) But alas, my garden is birdless! So the other day I asked my lovely facebook followers for some advice. I wrote ...

Q "I'm having bird trouble! 
I just cannot entice the birdies into my garden. 
What am I doing wrong? I do get a lovely old couple (of wood pigeons) but that's it. Thoughts?"

After make just a few changes, here are my new feathery friends!
Ralphy's not so sure but in time ...

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Monday 13 January 2014

Beauty products - Chemicals to avoid + how to understand labels

Ok so we learned in last weeks post Becoming a natural beauty that chemicals in products are no good for us. They are a potential danger to us and our environment. Cosmetic manufacturers are fully aware of this, but in many cases you'll see the words 'PURE' 'NATURAL' 'ORGANIC' plastered all over their beauty products even though it's jam-packed with chemicals. The laws governing the labeling on organic foods do not extend to beauty products so if a brand uses a tiny amount of an organic ingredient, they can call that product 'Organic.' Even brands that base their entire image on being 'pure and natural' are legally misleading us with their packaging ... and we of course believe it, thinking we're being good to our skin. 

Once I cleaned my bathroom cupboard of all things chemical, this is all
I was left with ...  ok so I left my perfume but small steps people small steps! 
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