Tuesday 22 April 2014

Finished Spring Crochet 'Bluebell' blanket

Hello lovelies. 
Just a quickie. I really wanted to show you my finished Crochet Spring blanket! 
'She' has been aptly named 'Bluebell Blanket' after the bluebell woods that inspired her. You really can't go wrong if you take your colour pallet from our lovely mother nature. Thanks again to Sarah at Weaveknitit for the lovely yarn. I'm snuggled up in it as I type : ) 

JM x

The beautiful Bluebell wood that inspired this blanket.
Take your colours from nature and they will usually work together.

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Tuesday 25 February 2014

Crochet spring blanket and granny square cushion

Crochet - I've rambled about it before and I'll ramble about it again because it's just so lovely! It's quick, easy AND I can do it while watching 'Call the midwife' without making mistakes :-)
I've been itching to share my latest project with you. It's still ongoing but I didn't think you'd mind. I saw these beautiful yarns and immediately thought of spring ... new growth, buds and bluebells!

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